Star Wars transcends generations! It destroys entire planets! It crushes galaxies!… but it can also crush expectations.
Many critics are saying “The Force Awakens” can’t possibly live up to the hype and that it will be a colossal disappointment once we come down from our Han Solo contact high. BUT! What do they know?
We think they’re full of it and quicker than Luke can lose a hand we’re gonna give you seven reasons why Episode 7 will be THE best Star Wars ever!
7. Because Disney

Of course we've seen some overexposure and we may yet have to endure The Force Awakens Lightsaber printed toilet paper, but with the hype comes the excitement! Build-up is crucial and - “Force Friday” aside - the Evil Mouse Empire hasn’t quite overdone it...yet!
But they will and it will be colossally fun to bitch about!