Were your parents a bit over-indulgent? Did that carry over into adulthood? Are you perhaps wondering why your laundry isn’t done yet? Take this quiz to uncover a potentially very convenient truth: How Spoiled Are You?
Question 1/8
Let’s talk about childhood first: Did you live in a “chores optional” home?
Yes and I opted out!
I did chores, but not many
Hah... the only option was to work my butt off!
Question 2/8
Did your bad deeds often go unpunished?
I got away with murder... it's true!
My parents went a little easy on me...
No way... I suffered heart-wrenching consequences!
What bad deeds? I was an angel!
Question 3/8
Do you ever cook your own meals?
It's a basic skill that I am proud to put to use!
Not if I don't have to...
Eating out is much simpler
Question 4/8
Are there any “toys” that you really want right now, but can't have?
Best part of being an adult? Not ever having to wait!
A few... but patience is a virtue!
I'm not much into owning stuff I don't really need
Question 5/8
You are having friends over for drinks and hear a glass break in the kitchen. Your reaction?
I rush to make sure everyone is okay, and clean it up myself!
I heave a sigh and head over to help clean it up
I shout out some helpful encouragement from the other room
Huh? Not my problem!
Question 6/8
When you hear the word “no”, your first reaction is generally:
To ask again, only louder
To begin negotiations...
To accept it and move on...
Question 7/8
What’s the best way to get you to do something you don’t want to do?