By BrainFall Staff - Updated: June 18, 2024
Have you ever wondered where your decision-making comes from? Some people just go on instinct while others trust their morals to make the right choice. But where exactly do morals come from? Sure, there are good characters and bad characters in this world. But there are also neutral people. How you grow up can have an influence on your true character. At the end of the day, though, there are just chaotic people in the world, some who prefer to choose evil. Taking a moral alignment test can help you figure out how your morals stack up.
If you’re truly unsure how you’d fall, you may be right in the middle as a neutral. But whether you’re good or evil is a different story. How you live your life and how you go about your job can point to your truth. By taking this test, you’ll be able to have a better idea of just what kind of person you are. Let’s take a moral alignment test and find out.
Here are the potential outcomes:
You scored 0-25%! You’re Lawful Good!
You keep a good head about you and you know right from wrong. You feel an urge to act in the right way and you’d run rather than walk to help save those around you if they are in peril. This alignment honors heart, compassion, and truth-telling.
You scored 25-50%! You’re Neutral!
A true neutral is undecided on just about anything. You look for the most balanced approach to anything, and the alignment chart says you can act naturally and just live in the moment. You don’t feel strongly one way or another and you just do what feels right.
You scored 50-75%! You’re Chaotic Neutral!
You hate making up your mind and just follow your mind at any given moment. Rather than a true neutral, you enjoy true freedom from having to do good as well as social rules. A true free spirit, you’re mostly focused on your own well-being.
You scored 75-100%! You’re Chaotic Evil!
Watch out for you as you just want to watch the world burn. Fueled by chaotic evil, you are hot-tempered, poorly organized, and just want to see bad things happen. You’re ruthless, brutal, and will stop at nothing to get what you want.
What is a Moral Alignment Test?
A moral alignment test is a series of questions that can show someone just who they are as a person. Often used in Dungeons & Dragons to figure out what character you want to be, you'll find out which way you lean. There are three positions, but first, you need to choose between law and chaos and then between good and evil. The different final options on the alignment chart are lawful good, neutral good, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, neutral evil, or chaotic evil.
What you end up with doesn't have to be a lifelong commitment, especially if you aren't happy with it. But it gives you an idea of where you are now in real life. The rules provide a sense of how you should act in social order and in the country. Whether or not you're making the right decision in a certain scenario and how you deal with the consequences are things that happen after the fact. But for the purposes of the test and your community, answering the moral alignment test truthfully is best.