By BrainFall Staff - Published: October 29, 2020
In the United States, consumers buy Halloween candy by the truckload because of how much kids like snack-size chocolate treats, candy corn, hard candy, sour patch kids, and just about every other kind of candy you can name. But, both adults and kids love Halloween candies. Do you really know everything there is to know about Halloween candy?
Halloween Candy
Did you know that the most popular Halloween candy in America is not made of chocolate? Or that the average kid will consume nearly 7,000 calories (about 10 Whoppers) of Halloween candy? The Halloween tradition of Trick or Treat began in the 1930s and has gotten better every year since. But the one thing that always seems to stay the same is the candy. Halloween is the one day of the year where you can get a mix of fun-size candy, full-size candy bars, and the best candy of the year. From Kit Kat bars to Skittles, and every piece of juicy milk chocolate candy in between, we did the research and have the perfect quiz to test your Halloween candy knowledge.