Which Harry Potter House is Your Rival?
It's not just Gryffindors and Slytherins who can't share a common room without sparks flying!
By BrainFall Staff - Updated: October 7, 2019
The Harry Potter series captured the hearts of millions and whisked us away to a land of magic and wizardry. But were you paying attention or just picking your nose? What’s Your Harry Potter IQ?
Harry Potter is the most miserable, lonely boy you can imagine. He’s shunned by the Dursley’s, who have raised him since he was an infant. He’s forced to live in the cupboard under the stairs, forced to wear his cousin Dudley’s hand-me-down clothes He’s just about as miserable as you can get. When Harry turns 11, however. A giant, Hagrid, informs Harry that he’s really a wizard, and will soon be attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Harry also learns that he’s a hero. When he was an infant, the evil Lord Voldemort killed his parents and then tried to kill Harry too. What’s so amazing to everyone is that Harry survived.
If you've ever caught yourself wondering just how well you know the nooks and crannies of the wizarding world or how you'd fare on your O.W.L.s, you're not alone. It's high time to assess your Harry Potter IQ and see if you're more of a Hermione in the making or if, like dear old Neville, your remembrall is forever red. You've likely spent countless hours with your nose buried in the books or your eyes glued to the screen, but can you recall the finer details of Harry Potter's magical realm?
Now, you might fancy yourself a bit of a Harry Potter whizz - wand-savvy, potion-proficient, and a walking encyclopedia for all things from the Forbidden Forest to the deepest dungeons of Hogwarts. But does your knowledge stretch further than knowing your Every Flavour Beans from your Chocolate Frogs? There's only one way to find out if you've got what it takes to join the ranks of witch and wizardry elite, and that's to dive broom-first into the right kind of Harry Potter quizzes.
Bear in mind, though, these aren't your run-of-the-mill questions about Harry's scar or Dumbledore's full name (no, we're not typing it out, it's practically its own quiz!). These are the sort of brain-scratchers that might have even the portrait of the Fat Lady second-guessing herself. So, brace yourself for a challenge that could stump even a centaur with its star charts out. Sharpen your quills, ready your minds, and may the felix felicis be ever in your favor!
Are you a wizarding whizz or will your broomstick stall? This section will determine if you're a Harry Potter aficionado or if a Remembrall might just become your new best friend.
You reckon the Sorting Hat would choose Gryffindor for your bravery, or perhaps Ravenclaw for your wit? Get ready to prove your mettle. Knowledge of the Hogwarts houses and their attributes is vital. Remember, the sorting ceremony is more than a fancy hat trick; it's where the magic of your Hogwarts journey begins.
If you've ever confused Neville with Draco, you might find yourself in a sticky wicket. It's essential to distinguish your Harrys from your Rons, and your Hermiones from your Molly Weasleys. Hint: Only one of them is a master of the Bat-Bogey Hex.
Enter the realm of magical creatures; know your Hippogriffs from your Thestrals. Could your Patronus charm score you extra points? Or perhaps recalling Hagrid's affinity for Aragog and Fang will demonstrate your creature comforts. Let's see if your creature knowledge is as fantastic as you think it is.
It's not just about OWLs and NEWTs here; it's the quirky trivia that charm the points out of your quiz score! So, grab your wand—vocab wand, that is—and conjure up those answers. Who knows, you might just be the next Hogwarts trivia champion. Or, at the very least, you'll earn bragging rights at your next wizarding duel.
Prepare to be spellbound as you navigate through the whirlwind of wizardry and wonder. Can you distinguish your Wingardium Leviosa from your Levicorpus? This section tests your prowess in all things Potter – from spells that could save (or curse!) the day, to the bubbling brews of potions that might just make you Polyjuice-perfect.
Your mind must be as nimble as your wand. Recall Hermione Granger's perfect pronunciation and wand flick—will you match her spellcasting flair or fumble like Ron Weasley at the Yule Ball? Here's a snippet of what you should be familiar with:
Potions can be your ticket to brilliance or mayhem—a single misstep and it's a disaster worse than Ron's slug-vomiting fiasco. Let's stir up some facts:
The Wizarding World is chock-full of mysterious trinkets and unsolvable puzzles. Think you can master them all?
Remember, your magical IQ isn't just about knowing facts—it's about living and laughing with the characters from the beloved movies. So clear your mind, grab your wand (or just your mouse), and let's see if you can ace this magical test!