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Question 1/10

Pick a candy:
- Sour Patch Kids
- M&Ms
- Reese's
- Skittles
- Starburst
Question 2/10
What's your favorite season?
Question 3/10
When looking for a mate, which is more important: looks or personality?
- Personality is good, but looks come first
- Looks help but I need someone with a good personality
- They're equally important
Question 4/10

When someone makes you mad, how do you react?
- Revenge! Mawahahahha!
- Forgive them
- Avoid them
Question 5/10

What's your favorite kind of chocolate?
- Milk chocolate
- White chocolate
- Dark chocolate
Question 6/10
Are you a night owl or an early bird?
- Nighttime is when I come alive
- I love to wake up with the world
- Are you crazy? Neither.
Question 7/10
Do you get your energy from being with other people or being by yourself?
- People are great, but I need my alone time too
- You know me, always talking and laughing with people
Question 8/10

You just got one of those new adjustable beds. You set it to be...
- Super soft
- Nice and firm
- A little in between
Question 9/10
What do you drink most?
- Water
- Soda
- Coffee
- Juice
- Tea
Question 10/10
What's your age group?
- Younger than 18
- 18 to 32
- 33 to 44
- 45 to 55
- 55 or older
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