Which Fashion Era Are You?
Step into the past—or maybe the future—and discover your true fashion destiny.
By BrainFall Staff - Updated: April 9, 2024
VSCO girls became a popular trend in 2019, and they’re known for their scrunchies, big T-shirts, and giant Hydro Flasks. With multiple brand names to make you a noticeable VSCO girl, how do you set yourself apart from others?
This quiz tests your knowledge about dressing the part and what inspired this modern fashion trend. While most blend into the crowd, there is more than meets the surface in the subculture. From the shoes to the brand of the bag and staple water bottle, this quiz gets to the center of what makes someone a VSCO girl.
What type of chapstick do you prefer to use? How do you style your hair first thing in the morning? Do you enjoy wearing a shell necklace? Being a VSCO girl is more than just living near the ocean, so brush up on what makes someone one with this fun quiz.
A VSCO girl is the name of a fashion and lifestyle trend that surfaced in 2019. Being one started with the established website VSCO Girl, and it centers around a key fashion style and beach appreciation. Those who are part of this trend typically wear Birkenstocks, oversized T-shirts, and a shell necklace. They also tend to prefer living near the ocean or supporting ocean conservation.
Ever wondered if you're part of the trendy wave that's taken over social media with oversized tees, scrunchies, and a devotion to saving turtles? Oh yes, we’re talking about the VSCO girl phenomenon. It's the aesthetic that's been hashtagged to the moon and back on every platform where hashtags are a thing. If you've ever caught yourself uttering "sksksk" in a moment of excitement or if your Hydro Flask collection is becoming a towering monument in your room, it's time to settle the big question: How VSCO Girl are you?
Don't worry, you don't have to sit there in suspense. We've crafted a quiz so spot-on that by the end, you'll know if you're a true VSCO girl or just a spectator in this pastel-hued, eco-friendly world. Whether you're all about that beachy vibe or you can't tell a Birkenstock from a flip flop, our quiz is here to give you the scoop on where you stand.
So grab your favorite reusable straw and prep your best peace sign – it's quiz time! And hey, no matter the result, remember it's all in good fun. We're all part of the big, quirky online family, and every member, VSCO or not, has their own special sparkle. Let's dive into the world of VSCO and discover your true colors!
Buckle up, because we're about to dive into the world of VSCO girls, the tropes that define them, and how they're reshaping our feeds one scrunchie at a time.
So, what's the formula for a quintessential VSCO girl? Think oversized shirts and short shorts, topped with a cascading waterfall of scrunchies on each wrist. The hydro flask, covered in carefully chosen stickers, is practically an extension of their arm—hydration is a must, and saving the turtles is more than just a mantra; it's a lifestyle, folks. Add in a puka shell necklace, and Birkenstocks or Crocs for that casual-yet-conscious-earth-dweller vibe, and you've got the look down. Get those metal straws ready!
Spawned from the depths of cozy corners and artfully arranged bedroom floors, the VSCO girl aesthetic crept onto the scene, ethereal and filter-flushed, thanks to the VSCO app. This trend didn't just waltz into the party unannounced; it was catapulted into the limelight by Instagram glitz and TikTok dynamism. The hashtag #vscogirl has become a beacon, calling out to fellow followers of this easy-breezy lifestyle. It's a wave of youth culture that's just as much about the vibe as it is the visuals, and believe us, the influence of social media has turned this ripple into a full-on tsunami of trend-setting moments.
Wondering if you're a true member of the VSCO tribe? Let's put your VSCO credentials to the test with the quirkiest quizzes and a dive into your VSCO must-haves!
We've all seen the VSCO girl trend take over social media, but the real question is, are you one of them? Our Ultimate VSCO Girl Quiz lays down the challenge; it's a few minutes of fun between you and your VSCO girl status. Do you stack up with the other hydro flask-toting, oversized t-shirt sporting members of the VSCO beachy tribe? From hair scrunchies to metal straws, this quiz sorts the VSCO girls from the merely VSCO-curious.
Let's talk VSCO essentials. The VSCO vocabulary extends beyond the iconic sksksk. You've got your puka shell necklaces, Birkenstocks by the door, and friendship bracelets up to your elbows. If your backpack is filled with an assortment of stickers, and saving turtles with your metal straw is your everyday hustle, then you're speaking our language! Our guide to VSCO parlance includes:
Remember, VSCO is not just about the looks; it's a vibe. So, whether your skin glows naturally or it's the result of your latest lips gloss haul, come find out if you're really keeping it VSCO with the best of them.