10 Questions That Will Determine Your Relationship Success
Forget crystal balls and fortune tellers – these questions peer into your relationship future with actual science!
By BrainFall Staff - Updated: August 6, 2020
Are you still single while everyone you knew in high school is getting married? Well, we’ve got our crystal ball out again. But this time, we’re looking at your love life. How long until you find that special someone and get married? Take the quiz and we’ll answer that all-important question: When will I get married?
The goal is to find someone who shares your same values, wants the same things for the relationship that you do, naturally agrees with you on how to gain those things, and last but not least, have a mutual love and desire for one another. Getting married is a lifestyle choice, not a requirement.
Wondering about the aisle walk? You're not alone in your musings about when your solo Netflix nights might morph into an eternal plus-one scenario. Marriage, that age-old social contract, might be tickling your fancy, or maybe it's your mom hinting none too subtly by sliding bridal magazines across the coffee table. Still, the timeline for slipping into matrimonial bliss isn't etched in your morning latte's foam, and let's face it, not all of us have a crystal ball app to hurriedly consult.
But how do you know when you're ready to change that 'Me' to 'We'? The universe spills no secrets, and relationships are less about 'perfect timing' and more about 'right feeling.' If you've pondered over rings more than Frodo or recognized that your romantic escapades are less about the thrill of the chase and more about finding a partner in crime, then you're likely inching closer to the M-word. Beyond the confetti and bridal bouquets, it's about love, commitment, and that gut feeling that whispers, 'Hey, this is the real deal.'
Before you start practicing your "I do's," let's have a moment of real talk. Are you the type to fall head-over-heels for everyone who buys you a drink? Or maybe you've been dating your throw pillow for longer than is considered socially acceptable? It might be time for an introspective comedy roast—or better yet, a quirky quiz to gauge your matrimonial readiness. It's time to see if you're primed for the plunge or if your ring finger needs to chill for a spell.
Before you set sail on the matrimonial ocean, let's chart a course through three critical considerations. Remember, it’s not just about finding someone who can tolerate your quirky music tastes, but a co-captain for life's journey.
You've heard the old sailors' tales: the earlier you set sail, the smoother the journey. But is it really about age, or is your heart's compass pointed towards readiness? A relationship expert might say that readiness isn’t about how many candles are on your birthday cake; it's about feeling a deep commitment and trust in your partner. So hoist the sails when you've stocked up on these essentials, not when society hollers, “All aboard!”
Imagine you're navigating by the constellations of commitment and trust, sailing through the strait of love, and there it is – Marriage Island! How do you know you're ready to dock? If you're swapping "your" and "my" for "our", then you just might be ready to walk the plank...erm, aisle. Here’s a handy checklist to confirm:
From the first date to changing your relationship status, you've been through the relationship doldrums and the gusty winds of love. It's been a series of knots and nautical miles, but steering through those waves has made you a seasoned sailor. The voyage from dating to 'I do':
Remember, if you’re still unsure about when you’ll tie the nautical knot, it might be a good time to ask the stars. Or, take a quiz that steers you closer to knowing when you’ll drop anchor at Marriage Island!
Before you set a date for the nerve-wracking dance of matrimony, you've got to tackle the epic quest for a marriage license. Think of it like a scavenger hunt, only the prize is a legally binding document, not a golden goblet. Ready? Let's equip you with the tools for this bureaucratic adventure.
Pack your satchel, as you'll need a slew of official papers. Precious items such as your birth certificate, driver's license, or passport act as your identity's key. Also, bring along that trusty Social Security card. If you've been around the block before, a divorce decree might be necessary, too.
As you might know, the United States is more like a patchwork quilt of laws rather than a uniform bedsheet. For example, your California marriage license comes with a waiting period—a cool 90 days before it turns into a pumpkin (AKA expires). But scurry over to Arizona, where no waiting period gives you the freedom to tie the knot faster than you can say "I do".
Alabama threw a curveball and decided that you don't just get a marriage license; you enter into a legal document called an affidavit. Meanwhile, if you journey to Arkansas, bring along two friends because you need two witnesses to make it official. But roll into Colorado, and you're in luck – you only need one witness. And get this, the two of you can even be your own witnesses! Talk about a fun fact to tell the grandkids.
So, ready your documents, and remember: a marriage license is your "access all areas" pass to the grand stage of love.