How Long Would You Last on The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On?
Are you in it for the long haul or destined for a shocking reality TV breakup? Take the test and brace yourself!
By BrainFall Staff - Updated: March 14, 2024
Orange is the New Black is one of the most popular shows on Netflix, attracting more viewers for its first season than Arrested Development and House of Cards. It’s a show with intense female personalities. Which Orange Is The New Black Character Are You?
Ever wondered which inmate from Litchfield Penitentiary you're most like? You're in luck, because with the right quiz, you can finally join the ranks of the colorful cast of "Orange Is The New Black" – at least in spirit. Don't worry, you won't have to don the orange jumpsuit for real, but you might discover you've got more in common with Piper, Red, or Crazy Eyes than you initially thought.
Imagine strolling through the drab corridors of Litchfield, sliding into the cafeteria line, or plotting your next big move in the prison yard. Each character on "Orange Is The New Black" is rich with depth, quirks, and a backstory that might resonate with your own life in ways that are both startling and hilarious. Taking a character quiz might just shed light on your inner Litchfield personality.
So, ready to find out which character's traits mirror your own foibles and strengths? You might even surprise yourself when you discover your Litchfield doppelgänger—it’s all about embracing your inner quirks, after all. Navigate through questions that will probe your character to its core and reveal who you'd be in the hit series. From the comfort of your free world sofa, let's see which part of the Litchfield spectrum you land on!
Ready to find out which Orange Is the New Black character you'd be at Litchfield? Dive into the individual quirks that could slot you in with the likes of Red or Piper. Let's unlock the cell to your TV prison persona!
Taking a quiz to determine your Litchfield counterpart is a breeze! Just select responses that resonate most with your everyday choices, attitudes, and actions. Each answer brings you closer to uncovering which iconic inmate you could be trading wisecracks with in the cafeteria.
Pin down your character with personality tropes that range from the sassy sidekick to the nurturing den mother. Do you handle conflict with sharp wit or a peacekeeping trade? Your ID badge is just a few ticked boxes away—whether you’re the feisty entrepreneur or the introspective bookworm.
It's about more than just the food; it's about the sorcery in the kitchen! Answer questions about how you'd run your culinary kingdom. Would you slip contraband into sauces like Red, or are you all about creating harmony with a side of perfectly sliced pie? Your palate might just reveal your prison alter ego.
Imagine yourself donning the infamous khaki or maybe the orange jumpsuit, but luckily, without any of the real-world consequences. In Netflix's lauded series, you can vicariously encounter the highs and lows within Litchfield Penitentiary's walls.
Piper Chapman's transition from a cozy New York lifestyle to the gritty reality behind bars was just your first peek inside. Each character – from the headstrong Poussey with a heart as big as her library to Sophia, the resolute hairdresser with salon skills and a complex background – comes with a backstory as colorful as their prison garb. Netflix undoubtedly struck gold transforming these tales into binge-worthy lore.
Ever watched Piper finagle her way through prison politics or seen Sophia command the room with nothing but her poise? That's not just good writing; it's pure star power. Litchfield's inmates – portrayed by actors who transform vulnerability into veritable virtues – shine bright, reflecting the show’s knack for casting brilliance. And, if your personality matches with these powerhouses, perhaps you're the lockdown's leading light.
What would you do confined by prison walls? Perhaps a spot of love-laced drama or a bit of money-making via snack sales from the commissary list? Or, like Poussey, is expanding your health and knowledge with some leisure reading more your style? Just be thankful the recreational activities in Litchfield are more entertaining than your average TV show marathon – though, ironically, watching the series is just that.