How Long Would You Last on The Ultimatum: Marry or Move On?
Are you in it for the long haul or destined for a shocking reality TV breakup? Take the test and brace yourself!
By BrainFall Staff - Updated: April 9, 2024
Choosing between staying together or ending a marriage is one of the hardest decisions to make. Couples need to make sure they take the time to evaluate every viable option before traveling the bumpy road of the divorce process. Everyone needs to pay attention to the signs pointing toward an oncoming rough patch or dead-end when traveling life’s path together.
Many people don’t want to end a marriage, but for many reasons, it might be time to start considering this question. If you are starting to think ‘should I get a divorce,’ this quiz will help. The quiz will help you see if you are ready to consider getting a divorce or if your relationship is healthy enough to pass the test of difficult times all eventually take. We evaluate the love for your partner, trust in that (perhaps formerly) special someone, and what life could look like for you and your possible children if someone does make the decision to get a divorce. The ultimate question remains, “Do you want a divorce?”
"Should I get divorced?" Many couples ask this excruciating question these days. Incompatibility is the biggest reason why couples pursue getting a divorce. Approximately 43 percent of all divorces occur because of spousal incompatibility, according to the U.S. Census Bureau Survey. Infidelity ranks second among divorce reasons, officially causing 28 percent of divorces. Even if devotion and likemindedness exists, money remains a necessity for security and survival. As such, money problems are the root of 22 percent of all divorces.
Many research outlets dispute the widely reported divorce rate of about 50 percent. The fact remains that the United States houses many unhappy homes, ranking sixth among all countries in divorces. The good news is that couples are staying together more in recent years. As of 2019, for every 1,000 marriages in the last year, less than 15 percent ended in divorce, according to the newly released American Community Survey data from the Census Bureau. This is the lowest divorce rate in 50 years.
Deciding whether to get a divorce is like standing at the world's most daunting crossroads, with each signpost written in a confusing mix of legalese and emotional jargon. While some of us might wish for a magic 8-ball to make our big life decisions, the reality is that stress and uncertainty often sit in the passenger seat as we navigate the choppy waters of marriage dissolution. We know it's no cakewalk, and yet, strangely enough, the possibility of personal growth lurks around the corner, wearing a disguise made of paperwork and tough conversations.
You see, dear fellow travelers on this bumpy matrimonial road, making such a life-altering decision involves a delicate balance of heart, head, and hilarity. It's not just about dividing the vinyl record collection or arguing over who gets to keep the good coffee maker. It's about asking ourselves the hard questions: will this choice lead us to a jazzercise class of joy, or are we stepping onto a never-ending escalator of regret?
We at believe that before you call up your lawyer or start labeling your books with sticky notes, you might want to take a moment—or several—to weigh the pros and cons. Because, in the grand scheme of things, wouldn't you rather base your decision on self-reflection and a hearty dose of laughter instead of a stress-fueled coin toss? So come, join us on this quest for clarity, where we'll tickle your funny bone while helping you figure out if it's time to untie the knot.
Deciding whether to stay in a marriage or leave is like being the main character in your own dramatic buddy-cop movie, except your "buddy" might be that one sock you can never find the pair to. The plot twist? It's your heart and sanity in the hot pursuit. Buckle up, as we navigate the twists and dips of this thrill ride.
Are you and your significant other on a never-ending loop of the 'Blame Game Coaster'? Arguments as frequent as cat memes on the internet, lack of intimacy making the Sahara look like a waterpark, and resentment brewing like a hipster's craft coffee? These are the neon signs flashing "Trouble Ahead." Neglect isn’t just about forgetting to take the trash out or feigning interest in their stamp collection; it’s often the silent ghost in the room where communication once thrived.
When the in-house troubleshooting doesn't cut it, and "we need to talk" turns into "oh no, not again," let's swing by the therapy corner. Think of marriage counseling or couples therapy as that cool aunt who always has sage advice. A professional therapist just might help untangle the emotional Christmas lights. But hey, if solo introspection is more your jam, individual therapy could provide that solo stage dive into the crowd of your own thoughts.
Are you both trapped in a mental game of twister where anger and emotional abuse are the hands that spin the dial? It’s no game of monopoly when it happens, but understanding the mental health impacts, including anxiety and depression, can be crucial. Recognize when it’s time to pass 'Go' and collect 200 units of peace-of-mind bucks. Remember, when it comes to emotional disconnect, we're talking more the level of "forgetting why you walked into a room" and less "brief smartphone amnesia."
So, will your marriage narrative get the sequel, or is it time to yell "Cut!" and roll the credits? Whatever the decision, make sure it’s worthy of a five-popcorn-bucket rating in the story of your life.
Well, we've reached that fork in the road, and whether it's the glistening path of solo sunsets or a rocky climb laden with legal binders, one thing's for certain: diving into divorce is as much about logistics as it is about emotional fortitude. Let’s embark on this eye-opening expedition through the tangible ticklish parts of untangling twosomes.
When it comes down to donning your battle armor (or at least a sharp blazer), selecting a family law attorney is like picking your favorite superhero—minus the cape and spandex. Are you looking to resolve your differences faster than a speeding uncontested divorce or are you in for a high-conflict crusade where only a litigation legend will do? Weigh your options between a traditional lawyer, a divorce coach, or an online divorce service. Each comes with its own set of superpowers and price tags, so match your financial situation to your ideal advocate.
Next, we're talking banks, bucks, and the budget bonanza. Protecting your finances in a divorce is no joke because let's face it, freedom ain't free. In the colorful world of community property states versus equitable distribution states, who takes home the Picasso and who's stuck with the paint-by-numbers can be pretty unpredictable.
Lastly, we wade through the marshmallow mess that is talking kiddos. Child support and custody discussions are more than a mere board game of Life. Are you shooting for a co-op parenting platform, or will it take a village (of family law experts) to hash out the holidays? Remember, whatever you do, the goal is minimizing the impact on children; let's keep those tykes out of the tug-of-war. Settle who's getting weekend warrior status with the kids by opting for divorce mediation or a collaborative divorce approach to keep things amicable, or face-off in court if you’re in different parenting guidebooks.
Ah, the joyous journey of untethering legally; it's enough to make you miss the simpler days of arguing over whose turn it is to take out the trash, isn't it? Tally-ho, brave soon-to-be singletons!