10 Questions That Will Determine Your Relationship Success
Forget crystal balls and fortune tellers – these questions peer into your relationship future with actual science!
By BrainFall Staff - Updated: April 9, 2024
If you’re asking, “Should I get married?”, you have a lot to consider. The commitment of marriage is best for the couples who are deep in love and ready to spend the rest of their lives together. It requires much consideration of their future, which could include children. Marriage is less likely to succeed if the people in the relationship are not truly in love or fear commitment. Marriage should not be a requirement, but a sign of affection and love to your partner. It’s a gift you are giving each other. So, when it all comes down to it, should you get married?
Many couples in a long-term relationship will get to a point where they can either get married, continue a common-law situation, or split up. Just because you're living together doesn't necessarily mean you should stay with one another forever. The idea of marriage is always going to be the moment in any relationship where couples find out if they truly love one another or if it is just not right. That said, do you know if you should get married?
Diving into the deep end of the pool we like to call "forever"? Yep, we're talking about tying the knot, putting a ring on it, or as our grandmas love to call it - matrimony. Choosing whether to get married is like picking desserts at a buffet, except it lasts a smidge longer than that chocolate cake on your plate. Marriage, that spirited dance between love and commitment, has us all humming 'Should I stay or should I go?' But hey, if you love someone more than your favorite pair of jeans, maybe it's worth considering.
Now, let's chat about that cozy blanket of a relationship you're snuggled up in. Is it comfy enough to last through the seasons of Netflix series to come? Deciding on marriage isn't just about love – it's like signing up for the world's most intense three-legged race, complete with in-laws, tax benefits, and the never-ending quest for the perfect duvet cover. Marriage is a big commitment, with big rewards if your relationship game is as strong as your meme game.
Before we all rush out to find the perfect "Marry Me" marquee lights, take a breath. Grab your partner in crime, and let's figure out together if you're both ready to level up in this game of life. We've got a boatload of questions and a steady supply of humor to help you explore the wedding waters. And remember, whether you decide to swim solo or with your better half, we at BrainFall will be here to hand out the life jackets and plan your bachelorette party.
Tie the knot or keep it in a bow? We're all about diving into love's deep end, but remember to check if there's water in the pool first!
We're all a little drunk in love at times, and boy, do those feel-good chemicals do a number on us. But when the haze fades, it's crucial to gauge if our compatibility could survive a leap from love's heady heights. Are we fit to weather the storms of marriage or headed for an oops-we-did-it-again split?
Marriage, the age-old union that many of us dream of with a Pinterest board full of ideas, is no walk in the park. Ready for marriage? It's about splitting the last slice of pizza and sometimes, regrettably, assets if the fairy tale heads south. Think of it as a seesaw – it's all fun and games until someone gets off and you hit the ground a tad too hard.
Ah, the sweet, sweet benefits of marriage. Did someone say tax breaks? Say hello to a friendlier IRS and a plethora of other legal benefits that come with your updated Facebook relationship status. But keep in mind, with great tax deductions come the great responsibilities of the legally bound. Is the pen ready to write more than just love letters?
Remember, we're just scribbling notes in the margins of your love story. Whether it's matrimonial nirvana or the dreaded ball and chain, it's on us to tease out the threads of a happy ever after versus a potential legal kerfuffle. So, what’ll it be? Grab a quiz on BrainFall and see if you're really ready to jump the broom!
Before we tie the knot, let's talk cash, kiddos, and canines. It's not just about who snags the last piece of wedding cake – there are real things to chew on here.
When it comes to finances, we're dancing a complex routine. Marrying means swirling together savings and sometimes debt (cue dramatic music). It's about as fun as trying to plan a wedding on a shoestring budget, but hey, financial stability's the dream, right? We'll need to decide if we're doing the 'what's mine is yours' jig or if we're busting out separate solo acts with our accounts.
Ah, children, the human embodiments of unpredictability. They might be in our future, but are we ready for the sleepless nights and the endless ballet recitals? It's not just about if we want them – it's about whether we can handle the commitment, from diapers to degrees. Our family planning tango includes both the cha-cha of child rearing and the possibility of a solo freestyle if kids aren't part of our choreography.
Let's not forget the dog. If we ever hit a sour note and go our separate ways, who gets custody of our four-legged friend? It's a real question that's more heart-wrenching than deciding who gets the vintage vinyl collection. Fido is family, and while we can joke about doggie prenups, the reality is that pet custody can get ruff. We need to think about where Fido fits into our family portrait and how we handle things if our duo becomes a solo.