How Alaska Are You?
Head to the Last Frontier and come find out how Alaskan you really are!
By BrainFall Staff - Updated: March 21, 2024
Ready to take charge of your life and make a change? Every year, the US News and World Report rates the 50 states according to the best places to live, collecting data surrounding health care, education, economy, fiscal stability, infrastructure, opportunity, crime and corrections, and the natural environment. We’ve collected the top states from the list: Where should you move?
US News and World Report produces a list of state ranks every year, using the most current data on everything from unemployment rates to education to state income to determine the best place to live in the United States of America. So whether you're from one of the worst states to live or just ready for a new life, this quiz will recommend the best state for you, like Washington, Minnesota, or Utah.