Which Dog Breed Matches Your Lifestyle?
They say dogs look like their owners, but let's make sure your lifestyles match too – otherwise one of you will be sleeping in the doghouse!
By BrainFall Staff - Updated: April 30, 2024
Did you know there’s an official resident cat of the United Kingdom named Chief Mouser? We formulated the ‘purrfect’ quiz if you’re in the market for a famous cat to call your own. We admit the process included spinning a yarn, but we’re also telling the truth! Garfield, Shrek’s Puss in Boots, Dr. Seuss’s Cat in the Hat (although the Mike Myers movie won’t leave our memory bank either), and Tom from Tom and Jerry comprise our panther-esque pantheon. Disney fanatics grimace at Mufasa’s notable absence, but BrainFall would be ‘Lion’ to you if we recommended owning the mightiest member of the jungle to any quiz taker.
What’s for dinner? What’s for Instagram? What kind of cat physically and socially do you want? What adventures do you intend to take your famous feline friend on? All these questions and more serve as the paperwork leading to you getting to adopt your pick of the litter containing the most famous cats. Just don’t get too catty in the aftermath!
Famous cat names gained notoriety in ancient times. Egyptians inscribed images of Egyptian goddess Bastet — the only cat to be the daughter of the sun god Ra — who was worshiped in the form of a lioness and later a cat. Less-sacred admiration sprouted in the early 1900s. In fact, the first notable cat animated character is believed to be Felix the Cat. Hannah Barbera added a few iconic cats to the fictional feline mix, including the Pink Panther and Looney Tunes' Sylvester. Disney clawed its way into cat notoriety with The Lion King. Black Panther starred in a movie that was seen as an important cultural event with a whole generation of African Americans seeing a Black superhero being glorified in a blockbuster effort for the first time.
Garfield captured irritable imaginations in the late '70s. The orange tabby cat lookalike dominated the weekend back pages that many lesser-known cats probably used for a litter box. Speaking of comics, even Batman fancies feline friends, as evidenced by his serious relationship with Catwoman. Salem from the Sabrina the Teenage Witch TV series walks the black cat red carpet too. Perhaps the latest addition to cat fame is Bojack Horseman's former manager and ex-girlfriend, Princess Carolyn, from the popular dark comedy animated series.
Have you ever found yourself scrolling through videos of celebrity felines and wondered which famous cat could be your purrfect pet? With their fluffy coats, sassy attitudes, and viral antics, it's hard not to dream about sharing a windowsill with one of these iconic kitties.
We at BrainFall understand the allure of celebrity cats. They entertain, they charm, and they've got more followers on social media than most humans. But let's paws for a moment and imagine which one of these fabulous felines would fit into your life like the cozy spot on the couch in the sun.
Whether you're an adventurer like the seafaring Unsinkable Sam, or looking for a chill companion like the famous Instagram fluffball Nala, we've got the scoop. It's time to find out which star cat you're destined to be besties with. So c'mon, fellow cat lovers, let's take this whisker-twitching quiz and see which famous cat would be the ideal feline friend to lap up the luxury of your love (and probably your favorite chair).
Which famous cat would be the purr-fect pet for us? Let's explore the unique purr-sonalities of some whiskered celebrities that have left their mark on pop culture and our hearts.
Our internet browsing sessions wouldn't be complete without an encounter with a meme-able kitty. Remember Grumpy Cat, whose frown became an internet sensation? Or how about Lil Bub, the adorable munchkin kitty with a tongue perpetually sticking out? These feline celebs shot to fame on platforms like Instagram and showed us all the many faces of feline sass and sweetness.
When we think of big-screen kitties, how can we forget the likes of Tom from Tom and Jerry or the legendary Sylvester? And let's not overlook what Mr. Bigglesworth from Austin Powers taught us about the value of sticking with your evil genius, even if you lose all your hair.
Rewind to Ancient Egypt, and you'll find cats like Ta-Miu adored just shy of worship. Fast forward to wartime feats, and Unsinkable Sam, a real survivor of multiple shipwrecks during World War II, might just be the mentor you need for your nine lives. Looking at famous cats throughout history gives us no shortage of incredible stories.
Let's tip our hats to record breakers like Creme Puff, who lived a staggering 38 years, and tactical hunters like Towser, who caught nearly 30,000 mice. For those of you who adore extra toes, polydactyl cats like the ones at Ernest Hemingway's home might just tickle your fancy.
Our tender spots are reserved for heart-melters like Scarlett, a feral that saved her kittens from a fire. Or how could we forget Morris from the 9Lives cat food commercials? Ted Nude-Gent, that's a name to remember—this Bengal rescue became a star in his own right!
In a more enchanted realm, we've got the grinning Cheshire Cat that Alice met in Wonderland. Meanwhile, the tailless Manx is shrouded in fairy tales. Our furry friends have always had a mystical side, haven't they?
Now, aren't we all itching to find out which of these iconic cats matches our style? Let's get our paws on that BrainFall quiz and see which famous feline should be our pet!
Choosing the perfect cat breed to match our funny bones isn't something to take lightly—luckily, we're not about to start now! From quirky traits to look-a-like celebri-cats, it's a hilarious journey to find a furball that gets our sense of humor.
When looking for a kitty that will get our jokes, we can't help but giggle at the thought of a Scottish Fold's owl-like appearance, or the Devon Rex's alien-esque charm. Their peculiar looks and playful antics might just mirror the punchlines we love.
Imagine flipping through a feline Vogue and seeing the glamorous Persian or the elegant Siamese—it's almost like spotting feline supermodels! We'd know our star cat by its signature style, whether it's the lush fur of the Maine Coon or the striking blue eyes of the Ragdoll.
While looks are great for insta-worthiness, what makes us snort-laugh are the personalities! We dream of a Persian that personifies sass or a Sphynx who’s just as cheeky and loveable as Grumpy Cat. The cat that'll suit our laugh is one with a personality as vibrant as ours!
Let's face it: we adore a cat that vibes with our lifestyle. For those of us always on the scene, the exotic charisma of the Bengal might match our pace, while sofa-surfing snuggle-lovers might find their counterpart in the chill American Shorthair.
Cats have clawed their way into culture—and how! We can’t help but chuckle at the thought of a Manx cat resembling Bob from the Austin Powers movies, or a jet-black Bombay as the spitting image of ancient Egypt's deity embodiment. Talk about cultural icons!
For trivia nights, who better to charm our friends with than a Polydactyl cat with its extra toes—straight out of Hemingway's home, or an Abyssinian, which could’ve strutted right out of Hello Kitty's entourage. They're walking, purring, little-known facts!
Last but never least, let's not forget the attitude that'll make our feline friend the life of the party, or the introverted muse of our quieter moments. Whether it’s a confident Siamese or a poised British Shorthair, it’s all about finding that purr-sonality fit!
Remember to amble over to BrainFall for a whirl on our "Which Famous Cat Should Be Your Pet?" quiz—isn't it time we scratched the itch of curiosity to see which celebri-cat we'd be owning the red carpet with?